EBRAINS Collaboratory

Last modified by shailesh on 2022/06/21 11:59


The EBRAINS Collaboratory offers researchers and developers a secure environment in which they can work with others. You control the level of collaboration by sharing your projects with specific users, teams or all of the Internet. Many researchers are sharing their work already; several services, tools, datasets and other types of resources are publicly available, and many more are available for registered users. Join the EBRAINS community and participate in conversations and activities via the Collaboratory.

 Register for an EBRAINS account https://ebrains.eu/register
 EBRAINS Collaboratory   https://wiki.ebrains.eu/
 View Existing Collabs https://wiki.ebrains.eu/bin/view/Collabs/
 Create a new Collab https://wiki.ebrains.eu/bin/view/Collabs?clbaction=create               
 Collaboratory Documentation https://wiki.ebrains.eu/bin/view/Collabs/the-collaboratory/