Wiki source code of Collaboratory User Group

Last modified by kindler on 2022/06/30 13:58

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messines 1.1 1 (% class="jumbotron" %)
2 (((
3 (% class="container" %)
4 (((
messines 5.1 5 This collab contains all the elements needed by the Collaboratory User Group to manage their work.
messines 1.1 6 )))
7 )))
9 (% class="row" %)
10 (((
11 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8" %)
12 (((
13 = What can I find here? =
messines 5.1 15 * [[Why and how you can join the group>>doc:.Joining the group.WebHome]]
chaney08 26.1 16 * [[The issue tracker of the Collaboratory>>]]
chaney08 27.1 17 * [[The Collaboratory User Group suggestions box>>]]
kindler 28.1 18 * Dial in for the user group meetings: will be sent to you, if you join (see above)
messines 1.1 19
20 = Who has access? =
messines 5.1 22 All HBP members have read only access.
chaney08 23.1 23 All members of the Collaboratory User Group have editor access .
messines 5.1 24
messines 1.1 25 )))
28 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4" %)
29 (((
30 {{box title="**Contents**"}}
31 {{toc/}}
32 {{/box}}
35 )))
36 )))