Changes for page 2.2 Identify potential protein binding sites by comparing the electrostatic potentials of a set of protein isoforms
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... ... @@ -20,31 +20,23 @@ 20 20 21 21 The structures of the AC isoforms were created via homology modelling using the same template. The region where there are significant structural differences between the isoforms is in a flexible loop region that was not defined in the template structure. There are also variations in sequence length across AC isoforms in this region. 22 22 23 +[[Tong et al. (2016)>>]] 23 23 24 -.. |doi_tong| raw:: html 25 - 26 - 27 - <a href="https:~/~/" target="_blank">Tong et al (2016)</a> 28 - 29 - 30 30 == Procedure == 31 31 32 -~| 33 - 34 34 ~* Structure of AC5 is visualized. The catalytic domain of AC5 is a dimer consisting of two protein chains. In the full structure of AC5 these two chains are connected by a series of transmembrane helices that anchor the protein in the post-synaptic membrane. 35 35 29 +~* Then the ##PDB2PQR## method is used to generate hydrogen atoms in the protein structure. Proteins contain a number of ionisable amino acids, which can exist in different protonation states, depending on the pH of the solution they are in. ##PDB2PQR## can predict the states of these amino acids, at a given pH (defined as 7.4 in the last cell, a normal physiological pH), then add all missing hydrogen atoms to the structure, and assign atomic charges and radii to all atoms. By default, ##multipipsa## assigns charges and radii from the Amber force field. 36 36 37 -~* The nthePdb2Pqrmethodisused togeneratehydrogenatomsintheproteinstructure.Proteinscontain aumberofionisableaminoacids, which canexistin differentprotonationstates, dependingon thepHofthesolutionheyarein.PDB2PQR can predictthestatesof theseamino acids,at a given pH(definedas7.4inthelastcell,anormal physiological pH),thenaddallmissing hydrogenatomstothestructure, andassign atomic chargesand radii toall atoms.By default, multipipsaassignschargesand radiifromtheAmberforce field.31 +~* The ##APBS## method used to solve the linearised Poisson-Boltzmann equation to obtain the electrostatic potential in the dx and ##UHBD## file formats. It also creates a dx file describing the solvent excluded volume of AC5. This is used for visualisation later. 38 38 39 - 40 -~* The APBS method used to solve the linearised Poisson-Boltzmann equation to obtain the electrostatic potential in the dx and UHBD file formats. It also creates a dx file describing the solvent excluded volume of AC5. This is used for visualisation later. 41 - 42 - 43 43 ~* Finally, electrostatic similarity between AC isoforms is computed. 44 44 45 45 == Results == 46 46 47 -The similarity of AC5 isoforms is indicated by the surface color from the most dissimilar regions ( :math:`SI_{12}=-1`, shown in red) to the highly similar regions (:math:`SI_{12}=1`, shown in white):37 +The similarity of AC5 isoforms is indicated by the surface color from the most dissimilar regions ({{formula}}SI_{12}=-1{{/formula}}, shown in red) to the highly similar regions ({{formula}}SI_{12}=1{{/formula}}, shown in white): 48 48 39 +(% style="text-align:center" %) 40 +[[image:Similarity.png||alt="Electrostatic Similarity" height="349" width="500"]] 49 49 50 - ..figure:: Similarity.png42 +