Warning: Dear service owners, OKD prod and dev instances at CSCS are being decommisioned (hard deadline is end of September). All services running in both prod and dev instances must be deleted before that time

Available tutorials:

Introduction tutorials

Level: beginner

Best: Brain Entropy in space and time

Level: advanced


Level: advanced

Connectivity Graphs

Level: advanced

Converting to Brainstorm Events

Level: advanced

Coordinate systems

Level: advanced

Corticomuscular coherence (CTF MEG)

Level: advanced

Deriving LFP signals from raw signals

Level: advanced

Digitize EEG sensor locations and head shape

Level: advanced

ECoG/sEEG tutorial

Level: advanced

EEG and epilepsy

Level: advanced

Elekta-Neuromag tutorial: Median nerve stimulation

Level: advanced

Epileptogenic Zone Fingerprint

Level: advanced

Export raw files in BIDS format

Level: advanced

Export surface source maps to SPM12

Level: advanced

Export volume source maps to SPM8 / SPM12

Level: advanced

FEM advanced tutorial with MEG/EEG Median nerve stimulation

Level: advanced

FEM mesh generation

Level: advanced

FEM tensors estimation with BrainSuite

Level: advanced

Fitting dipoles with FieldTrip

Level: advanced

Fitting Oscillations and One-Over-F (FOOOF)

Level: advanced

Functions for Basic e-phys

Level: advanced

Granger causality

Level: advanced

Group analysis: Subject coregistration

Level: advanced

How to write your own process

Level: advanced

Human Connectome Project: Resting-state MEG

Level: advanced

MEG current phantom (CTF)

Level: advanced

MEG current phantom (Elekta-Neuromag)

Level: advanced

MEG median nerve tutorial (CTF)

Level: advanced

MEG visual tutorial: Group analysis (BIDS)

Level: advanced

MEG visual tutorial: Single subject (BIDS)

Level: advanced

Montage editor

Level: advanced

MRI Segmentation with CAT12

Level: advanced

MRI segmentation with CIVET

Level: advanced

MRI segmentation with FastSurfer

Level: advanced

NIRS data importation, visualization and response estimate in the optode space

Level: advanced


Level: advanced

Real-time head-tracking for adjusting head position

Level: advanced

Realistic head model: FEM with DUNEuro

Level: advanced

Resting state recordings from the OMEGA database

Level: advanced


Level: advanced

Spectral Parameterization Resolved in Time (SPRiNT)

Level: advanced

Spike Sorting in Brainstorm

Level: advanced

SSP Cookbook

Level: advanced

Synchronization with eye tracker (event transfer)

Level: advanced

T1-MRI Segmentation with BrainSuite

Level: advanced

Tutorial - Head Motion

Level: advanced

Using BrainVISA

Level: advanced

Using FreeSurfer

Level: advanced

Using the anatomy templates

Level: advanced

Virtual Fiber Tracks for Connectivity Visualization

Level: advanced

Yokogawa/KIT tutorial: Median nerve stimulation

Level: advanced
