Available tutorials:
Construction and Use of Models: Part 1. Elementary tools
Level: beginner
A good beginner's tutorial. Introduces some of NEURON's basic GUI tools.
The hoc programming language
Level: beginner
1. Implement and test the computational model itself
Level: advanced
2. Run a "complete" simulation and save its results
Level: advanced
3. Run a segmented simulation and save its results
Level: advanced
3D/Hybrid Intracellular Tutorial
Level: advanced
4. Reconstitute and verify the "complete" simulation results
Level: advanced
A NEURON Programming Tutorial - Part A
Level: advanced
A NEURON Programming Tutorial - Part B
Level: advanced
A NEURON Programming Tutorial - part C
Level: advanced
A NEURON Programming Tutorial - Part E
Level: advanced
Ball and Stick model part 1
Level: advanced
Ball and Stick model part 2
Level: advanced
Ball and Stick model part 3
Level: advanced
Ball and Stick model part 4
Level: advanced
Creating a channel from a kinetic scheme specification
Level: advanced
Here we will implement a new voltage-gated macroscopic current whose properties are described by a family of chemical reactions.
Creating a channel from an HH-style specification
Level: advanced
Our goal is to implement a new voltage-gated macroscopic current whose properties are described by HH-style equations.
Creating a model of stochastic channel gating
Level: advanced
Given a Channel Builder that implements a deterministic channel specified by a kinetic scheme, we create a new one that implements stochastic gating.
Creating a stylized ("stick figure") model cell
Level: advanced
Our goal is to build an extremely simplified model of a pyramidal cell.
Dealing with simulations that generate a lot of data
Level: advanced
Example: circadian rhythm
Level: advanced
Example: restricting a reaction to part of a region
Level: advanced
Exploring morphometric data and fixing problems
Level: advanced
Extracellular Diffusion
Level: advanced
How to generate independent random spike streams
Level: advanced
Introduction to Network Construction
Level: advanced
Managing a model cell with complex anatomy
Level: advanced
We use the CellBuilder to specify the spatial grid (nseg) and biophysical properties of a model based on detailed morphometric data.
mGluR example
Level: advanced
ModelView: Compact display of parameters for NEURON models.
Level: advanced
Python introduction
Level: advanced
This page provides a brief introduction to:
Python syntax
Lists and Dicts
For loops and iterators
Importing modules
Writing and reading files with Pickling.
Randomness in NEURON models
Level: advanced
Level: advanced
Reaction-Diffusion: Calcium Wave
Level: advanced
Reaction-Diffusion: Thresholds
Level: advanced
Reaction-Diffusion: varying initial concentrations and parameters
Level: advanced
Reading a morphometric data file and converting it to a NEURON model
Level: advanced
RxD with MOD files
Level: advanced
Scripting NEURON basics
Level: advanced
The objectives of this part of the tutorial are to get familiar with basic operations of NEURON using Python. In this worksheet we will:
Create a passive cell membrane in NEURON.
Create a synaptic stimulus onto the neuron.
Modify parameters of the membrane and stimulus.
Visualize results with bokeh
Segmenting a simulation of a model cell
Level: advanced
Segmenting a simulation of a model network
Level: advanced
Source code that demonstrates the solution
Level: advanced
Specifying parameterized variation of biophysical properties
Level: advanced
How to make one or more biophysical properties vary systematically with position in space.
The solution
Level: advanced
Tutorial 1 : Fitting a function to data
Level: advanced
Tutorial 1: Making Networks of Artificial Neurons
Level: advanced
Tutorial 2 : Fitting a model to data
Level: advanced
Tutorial 2: Making Hybrid Nets
Level: advanced
Using Import3D
Level: advanced
Reading a morphometric data file and converting it to a NEURON model
Exploring morphometric data and fixing problems
Using NEURON's Optimization Tools
Level: advanced