EBRAINS Bilbao TVB Hands-on

Last modified by emrebasp on 2024/05/31 14:36

TVB for brain states and pathological brain dynamics

Emre Baspinar and Damien Depannemaecker

What can I find here?

This collab contains a part of the materials which will be used during the hands-on session on 4 June 2024, during EBRAINS Brain Simulation Workshop taking place in Bilbao: https://www.bcamath.org/events/ebrains2024/en/.

The objective of this hands-on session is to create a familiarity of TVB for the participant by performing simulations related to different brain states and epileptic dynamics. At the beginning, we will describe the TVB framework and its building blocks. Then, in Part Ia, we will see a mean-field framework modeling neuronal population dynamics. We will use this framework to simulate brain states at population level. In Part Ib, we will see a generalization of this framework to the whole-brain scale via TVB. In Part II, we will see an example epileptic scenario of seizure propagation by using TVB. Part Ia and Part Ib can be found in the drive, and they are accessible in the lab. For Part II, we refer to the following collab: https://wiki.ebrains.eu/bin/view/Collabs/tvb-ebrains-bilbao-part-ii-2024/.


Access to the notebooks and materials requires to have an EBRAINS account.

Participants are also suggested to download the materials in case of connection issues. The material and notebooks can be downloaded by clicking on "Drive" on the left hand side. Once downloaded, the participants are also suggested to run the cells with the title "Initialization" in "mainAdEx.ipynb" (PART Ia) and in "Human_TVB_AdEx.ipynb" (PART Ib) to see and install the necessary packages/dependencies. If the notebooks are run locally, then "%matplotlib widget" should be disabled by commenting it in the relevant cells.

TVB installation can be done via the following link: https://www.thevirtualbrain.org/tvb/zwei/brainsimulator-software . Once it is installed, it can be used for a variety of simulations found in EBRAINS Collab.
