Central Data Transfer Services

Last modified by luehrs on 2023/08/23 20:37

The Central Data Transfer Services allow users to transfer data between Active or Archival Data Repositories at different ICEI sites (for more information about the Fenix infrastructure built by the ICEI project, see here).

UNICORE can be used for transfers between Active Data Repositories (ACD) at two sites.

A new solution based on FTS has been developed to enable transfers between Archival Data Repositories (ARD). This solution is integrated with the Fenix Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure (Fenix AAI), which in turn is integrated with the EBRAINS AAI.


A first version of the documentation for transfers with FTS between ARD is available here; a more elaborate version will be published soon: https://drive.ebrains.eu/f/5257f213815949a89b33/

Updated version: https://drive.ebrains.eu/f/853c54a2e2bb4f05a344/