FDG-PET analysis for DOC

Last modified by tincala on 2024/01/29 15:11

[18F]FDG-PET Workshop

Assessing Brain Glucose Metabolism in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness: from Acquisition to Interpretation

General Information

The Coma Science Group (GIGA Consciousness, University and University Hospital of Liege, Belgium), is specialized in the assessment and the care of patients with disorders of consciousness. They use [18F]FDG-PET in their daily practice to assess alterations in brain glucose metabolism in patients with disorders of consciousness.

This [18F]FDG-PET workshop Assessing Brain Glucose Metabolism in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness: from Acquisition to Interpretation (online; 02.10.2021) aims to provide a thorough overview of [18F]FDG-PET imaging in brain-injured patients. Following an introduction on the scientific evidence about alterations of brain glucose metabolism in patients with disorders of consciousness, the speakers will cover a broad range of topics, from patient preparation to acquisition, processing and image analysis to results interpretation. A major focus will lie on hands on activities, to facilitate practical learning, and on the presentation of real clinical cases, to promote questions and discussions between participants and experts.


Detailed Program

The detailed program of the workshop can be found here: https://indico.giga.uliege.be/e/FDG-PET-2021


Slides and recording of the workshop are available here: https://indico.giga.uliege.be/e/FDG-PET-2021 (after  02.10.2021):

[18F]FDG-PET images used during the workshop are available on EBRAINS

Code used during the workshop is available on GitHub (note that, to setup the pipeline, the user should download all files and folders in this GitHub repository; next, a Data folder containing the nifti files of 33 healthy controls, used for comparison in the analyses, should be downloaded from EBRAINS by the user and placed into the COFFEE_BREAK_FDGPET folder).

Who has access?

Free access