For Applicants

Last modified by luehrs on 2022/07/19 08:25


An online application system is used for receiving and processing applications for resources offered by the Fenix research infrastructure through the calls for HBP members and neuroscientists. Note that the call for European scientists from all research domains is handled through a different system.

This is a quick guide to support applicants in the application process. The project management office of the ICEI project, which realizes the Fenix infrastructure, is available in case of issues or questions:

Logging in

The login to the application system is handled via a callback mechanism:

  1. Visit and click on “Login”.
  2. Enter your email address and click on “callback”. Note that, for being able to access your applications in the future, the same email address has to be used for every login. We highly recommend to use an institutional email address.
  3. You should have received an email with the subject “Project application identification” from Click on the link in the email or copy-paste it into the address field of your internet browser.
  4. Now you are on the start page of the application server, where new applications can be prepared, updated and submitted.
  5. You can always get back to this start page by clicking on “Applications” in the top left corner.

Note that you will be automatically logged out after 30 minutes of inactivity. To re-enter the application portal, follow the above described steps again with the same email address that was used in the first place.

More information and help

image-20210908093329-2.pngMore detailed information on how to use the online application system are available through the “Help” button in the top menu. A click on the “(i)” info icon next to a field also leads to a page with additional information.

Preparing and submitting a new application

Principle Investigator (PI) and Person to Contact (PC)

It is possible to submit an application as Principle Investigator or as Person to Contact. You can already see on the login screen in which role you are currently logged in, and you can click on “change PI/PC (re-login required)” to change this, if needed.

The PC is an additional, second main contact for the proposal, who is allowed to submit the application on behalf of the PI and who will also be contacted during the approval process together with the PI.


New or extension project

To create an application for new project, click on “New Project Application” below the “Active applications” box”:


The following process to apply for an extension of an existing project is currently disabled as the application server needs to be adopted for ICEI projects.


In the meantime, the fastest way to apply for an extension of an existing project is to use the "copy" button next the original application, which can be found at the bottom of the start page under "Finalized applications". This will pre-fill almost all fields of the application. Please add a remark directly in the application that this proposal is for the extension of an existing one (ideally including the icei-hbp-[yyyy]-[xxxx] ID):


At the bottom of the page you will also see all of your already finalised (i.e. all submitted) applications.

In the following, we are going to demonstrate how to submit a new project application. The process will be the same for an extension proposal, just that some fields will already be pre-filled.

Starting a new application

In the application process, every click on “Next” at the bottom will save the additions and changes on the currently visible page. Note that changes are not automatically stored, when using the navigation menu on the right to move between the different sections of the application. There is also a button “Save” at the top, which can be used to save the progress manually at any point in time.

Importing an application

It is possible to export an application (into a json file) and to import it again to create another one. There is a button “import” at the top, which can be used for this purpose. Information on how to export an application can be found below.

Choose PI and PC

As described above, it is possible to submit an application as Principle Investigator (PI) or as Person to Contact (PC):


In this case, we will submit the application as PI and click on “Next” to get to the next section of the application.

Applicant's data

On this page the contact information of the PI (and of the PC, if applying as person to contact) need to be added. All fields with * are mandatory.

If this is your first application, the system does not know your affiliation yet. Click on “add institute” to create an entry:


You will be guided to a new page, where you can enter your affiliation. To add your institution, click on “add institute”, while making sure to select “Other” in the first column, as described on the page, if you are working outside of Germany.


Fill this form, taking into account that all fields are mandatory, and click “Submit” to save your entry, which will now be displayed at the bottom of the previous page.


Click on “Next” to save and move to the next step.

Project type

Currently there is only one project type to choose from. Select it and click “next”.


Project summary

Follow the instructions displayed above the fields on this page and click “next” to continue.

  • From and To are the envisaged start and end dates of the project. Usually projects have a duration of 12 months. The final start and end dates might differ, depending on how long it takes to process the application, and also on the site(s) at which resources are requested. In any case, the project will have the duration requested through these fields, maybe with a different start date.
  • Project acronym: If the application is for the extension of a running project, but the previous application was submitted using the old, paper-based workflow, please use your project’s acronym here again.

Scientific objectives

Follow the instructions displayed above the fields on this page and click “next” to continue.

  • Preliminary work: Note that this section is mandatory in case of a project extension although no * is displayed.
  • Categories:
    • It is possible, but not mandatory, to select the main and sub research categories of your project:
    • Neuroscience can be found under 22 Medicine > 206 Neurosciences (or sub-categories thereof):
  • Reviewer nominations: All proposals will be reviewed by technical experts for technical viability and potentially also by scientific experts following the peer review principles that are established for such calls. We always welcome suggestions for scientific experts to join the pool of experts for evaluating proposals. You may suggest one or multiple experts, but this step is not mandatory.


Follow the instructions displayed above the fields on this page and click “next” to continue.

This section specifies the resources that are requested with this proposal. A more detailed overview of all resources is available on the Fenix website, also for planned but not yet available resources.

It is possible to select one or multiple resources at one or multiple hosting sites on this page. The following section will be replicated once for each type of resources to specify the amount of resources required.

You will also be asked if you require on-boarding. If opting for “yes”, the hosting site(s) will assign a dedicated expert to your project to support you in getting started, if capacity for this is available.


Details of the requested resources

Follow the instructions displayed above the fields on this page and click “next” to continue.

Depending on the type of resources selected above, you will be asked to specify the amount of resources and to give a short comment for each of them. The comment field can be used in case you would like to add some additional information, or to indicate which part of the project (specified in other application sections) will be done using these resources.

Please follow the instructions carefully, which differ depending on the type of resource currently displayed at the top. They also include the unit, in which the resources of the respective type should be requested.



Follow the instructions displayed above the fields on this page and click “next” to continue.

Although this section is not mandatory, it is highly recommended to provide a short dissemination plan. This can be very short, e.g. pointing out that publications are planned, the project will be presented at a certain conference etc.

References and supporting material

Follow the instructions displayed above the fields on this page and click “next” to continue.

This page can be used to provide references referred to in other sections and to upload supporting material as a single PDF.

Finalize application

You can still go back to other sections, using the menu on the right or the “back” button at the bottom.


Please note that only a click on “next” at the bottom or on “save” at the top will save your changes.


By clicking “FINALIZE”, the application is submitted.

Continuing to work on a not yet finalised application

If you have prepared, but not yet submitted an application, it will be displayed on the start page under “Active applications”:


From here you can (1) edit the application (and then submit it), (2) delete the proposal, (3) copy its contents into a new proposal or (4) export it into a json file.


Once finalised, the application will appear under “Finalised applications” at the bottom, from where it can be (1) deleted, (2) copied, (3) exported to a json file, (4) the uploaded PDF file can be downloaded again (if any), and it can be (5) printed.

