Warning: The Collaboratory IAM will be down Tuesday 8th October from 18:00 CET (my timezone) for up to 30 minutes for an update. Please note this will affect all EBRAINS services. Read more.

Warning: The EBRAINS Gitlab will be down Friday 4th October from 18:00 CET (my timezone) until Monday 7th October for a migration effort.

The Inferior Olive in Arbor

A biophysically and morphologically detailed model

Quick start: open Network.ipynb under </> Lab

What can I find here?

  • This Colaboratory describes a model of the Inferior Olivary Nucleus
  • The original repository can be found here: github.com/llandsmeer/iopublic
  • The github model requires a GPU and a lot of patience to run.
  • In the Lab, one can find the notebook describing the model, setup and a simple example of IO research
  • Here, all models have been simplified to the point of being able to run on a single CPU under 30 seconds
  • Enjoy!


