04 Test Suites
Last modified by adavison on 2023/06/08 15:37
The validations tests have been grouped into a number of components, some containing validation tests specific to particular brain regions, others more generic. All validation tests are written in Python, using the SciUnit framework. This framework allows us to decouple the validation test definition from the model implementation, i.e. so that we can test different models of the same thing and/or change the implementation of our model, without having to modify or re-write the validation test. The links in the list below lead to more information, and to the source code, for each test suite.
Test Suites: for specific brain regions
Test Suites: for model features (generic)
MorphoUnit | https://github.com/appukuttan-shailesh/morphounit | PyPI | KG |
NetworkUnit | https://github.com/INM-6/NetworkUnit | PyPI | KG |
eFELUnit | https://github.com/appukuttan-shailesh/eFELunit | PyPI | KG |