Wiki source code of 1. Image preprocessing

Last modified by rbakker on 2023/07/17 12:35

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rbakker 3.1 1 == Image preprocessing ==
rbakker 1.1 2
rbakker 2.1 4 To ensure consistent performance of our tools on a variety of images, we apply a standard preprocessing strategy that consists of the following steps:
rbakker 1.1 5
rbakker 2.1 6 * Invert so that background is black
7 * Remove background gradient, by fitting a linear model through points sampled just outside the tissue
8 * Remove background with OneCut (optional)
9 * Enhance contrast with CLAHE (optional)
10 * Resize images to common size
11 * Center images
rbakker 1.1 12
rbakker 2.1 13 The steps are implemented as part of the registration pipeline collab:
rbakker 1.1 14
rbakker 2.1 15 [[https:~~/~~/>>]]