Getting access
Last modified by kindler on 2024/09/09 10:51
Getting access to the NMC systems BrainScaleS and SpiNNaker
To use the Neuromorphic computing platform (SpiNNaker and BrainScaleS machines, free of charge for tests and for accepted research projects):
- Get an EBRAINS account (free of charge). Use the "Register today" link (near the bottom) on the registration page.
- Send an email to stating your EBRAINS account username
- We will create a Collab for you, free of charge and complete with test quota and a few examples.
Only for large 'production runs' another quota request is needed via the "Job Manager" in your collab (upper right hand corner in the JobManager: "Quota"). - Run your own neuromorphic simulations/emulations interactively via Jupyter notebook directly in your browser (or via the "Job Manager" link in your new collab) using your own PyNN described network and your own input data
- If anything fails: see the getting help page in the guidebook or use the email contact.
The documentation: HBP Neuromorphic Computing Platform Guidebook (and a direct link to the BrainScaleS interactive tutorials documentation).
The service has been created mainly by and during the Human Brain Project (HBP). See the page on Neuromorphic computing on the HBP website for project information and the EBRAINS neuromorphic computing service page for the EBRAINS research infrastructure context.