NMC Collab copy template
Neuromorphic Computing
Access to BrainScaleS and SpiNNaker for %%username%%
This personal nmc-test-"Collaboratory" contains a few example notebooks for using the SpiNNaker and BrainScaleS neuromorphic compute systems. Please use the "Lab" link in the left hand menu to access the example notebooks (use the Run > Run All Cells from the menu to execute all cells in the notbook or use SHIFT-Return in a cell to run only that cell). For some of the notebooks, you will need to select the "EBRAINS_experimental_release" kernel to get them running. Please see here for the documentation of the EBRAINS Lab environment.
Example notebooks
The example notebooks have been copied into your Collaboratory ("Collab") when it has first been created for you. It is possible, that newer versions or more examples became available since then. If you want to get the latest versions (or if you accidentally made a notebook unusable), just delete that notebook from your Collab, then fetch a fresh copy by running this GetExamples notebook.
The documentation of the neuromorphic systems is this guidebook(on github).
The troubleshooting page in the NMC public collab collects some problems and solutions regarding the system use via the Collab.
Access to the neuromorphic computing systems SpiNNaker (Manchester) and BrainScaleS (Heidelberg) is possible via this Collaboratory via:
- batch mode: the experiment script is created via the Notebook here in the Collab and then sent as file to the neuromorphic compute system SpiNNaker (Manchester) or BrainScaleS (Heidelberg). The scripts are then executed and the results are sent back as files to the notebook in this Collab for analysis.
This access mode to the systems is available since the public platform release years ago and works fine. The drawback is the slow turnaround time.
Please use the "Lab" link in the left hand menu (note: it may take some time in the JupyterHub, until the examples are loaded, when the link is first accessed) - interactive mode for SpiNNaker and for BrainScaleS-2: allowing more direct use of the systems. For short running BrainScaleS-2 emulations an experiment repetition rate (e.g. to tune parameter) in the 10 Hz range is possible. An entry point for interactive examples is this notebook.
About the submitted jobs:
- The JobManager in the left hand navigation menu lists all batch jobs submitted from this Collab and gives additional access to the log output. The also available standalone JobManager lists jobs from any of your Collaboratories.
- The dashboard shows the utilization of the NMC systems (currently only for batch jobs via the EBRAINS Collaboratory, interactive jobs are not shown yet)