Application details

Last modified by lzehl on 2021/10/13 13:11

The metadata representation (instance) of each openMINDS metadata schema has to be provided as JSON-LD. For a graph database and correspondingly designed metadata models, a full metadata description of a research product includes multiple, interlinked metadata instances representing various schemas.

JSON-LD is a powerful, lightweight Linked Data format, ideal for storing such collections of interlinked metadata instances of a graph database (e.g., the EBRAINS Knowledge Graph).

Please find below, a general description of a typical JSON-LD as used in the EBRAINS Knowledge Graph and the different approaches in place for writing a metadata description for your research product in form of an openMINDS conform JSON-LD metadata collection.

JSON-LD - the openMINDS serialization format

As stated above, openMINDS supports JSON-LD as serialization format for the metadata representations (instances) of its schemas. For JSON-LD newbies: please do not be scared! Although you can, you do not have to write the JSON-LDs manually, but instead use different supportive software tools (see next sections). Nonetheless, for your benefit, we will briefly explain now the complete JSON-LD syntax of a correctly instantiated openMINDS instance.

Let us start with the most simple example: the openMINDS core schema ContactInformation. According to its schema template (cf. ContactInformation HTML), the only required property for a contact information instance is "email". However, every valid JSON-LD needs a couple more technical properties. Here, as example, a valid JSON-LD for a contact information instance:

 "@context": {
   "@vocab": ""
 "@type": "",
 "@id": "http://localhost/contactInformation/email_openMINDS",
 "email": ""

These additional technical properties specifically required for the JSON-LD syntax are, on purpose, not defined in the openMINDS schema templates in order to simplify the human-readability for all users. Instead, these technical properties are first added to the required property list of all openMINDS schemas after their template is transformed into an established, full-blown metadata schema format, such as JSON-Schema (cf. Technical details). Let us explain in the following why these technical JSON-LD properties are needed and how they are correctly provided for an openMINDS instance.

The JSON-LD properties "@context" and "@vocab" define a common vocabulary mapping, by stating a prefix that extends all non-JSON-LD property names and "@type" values that do not correspond to an IRI or compact IRI. Within openMINDS, each metadata instance should map to the openMINDS vocabulary, meaning the "@context" and "@vocab" is the same across all metadata instances (cf. code above). If you want to learn more about the power of the openMINDS vocabulary please go to: Technical details.

Generally speaking, the JSON-LD property "@type" defines which schema should be used to validate the particular JSON-LD. The "@type" expects an entry (value) of type string with the format of an IRI. Within openMINDS, the "@type" value equals the corresponding schema-namespace with the following naming convention:

"@type": ""

where XXX and YYY should be replaced with the openMINDS sub-module (e.g., core) and corresponding schema-name (e.g., ContactInformation), respectively.

In return, the JSON-LD property "@id" defines the particular metadata instance (i.e., graph database node). For this reason, the "@id" also expects an entry (value) of type string with the format of an IRI. In particular when you plan to submit your metadata collection later to the EBRAINS Knowledge Graph, we recommend you use the following naming convention on your local machine for this identifier:

"@id": "http://localhost/YYY/ZZZ"

where YYY and ZZZ should be replaced with the openMINDS schema (e.g., ContactInformation) and your own collection-unique identifier (e.g. email_openMINDS), respectively. While locally this instance identifier only has to be unique within your collection or system, it has to be globally unique if you want to share your instances with the world. Within the EBRAINS Knowledge Graph (KG) this identifier is therefore replaced with an universally unique identifier (UUID) with integration of your openMINDS collection into the public graph database.

The JSON-LD property "@id" is also used to link two different metadata instances. Let us introduce a second openMINDS instance of the openMINDS core schema Person which can link to an openMINDS instance of the openMINDS core schema ContactInformation. Here a valid JSON-LD for a person with a link to the contact information we defined above:

 "@context": {
   "@vocab": ""
 "@type": "",
 "@id": "http://localhost/person/lyuba_zehl",
 "givenName": "Lyuba",
 "familyName": "Zehl",
 "contactInformation": [
    {"@id": "http://localhost/contactInformation/email_openMINDS"}

Note that we do not use all properties defined for the schema (cf. the Person HTML), but that we only used the required property "givenName" and two optional properties "familyName" and "contactInformation". This means, optional properties, if not known, do not have to be defined in the respective JSON-LD, but they could also be listed with a null value. Please note in addition, that values for properties which expect an array should always be provided as such (cf. property "contactInformation"), even if only one item is defined.

You learned now how a valid JSON-LD for an openMINDS metadata instance looks like and how linkages between openMINDS instances are defined. In the following sections you will learn about the different tools that support you to create your own openMINDS JSON-LD metadata collection.

openMINDS Python

openMINDS Python is a small library that allows you the dynamic usage of openMINDS metadata models and schemas in your Python application for generating your own collection of openMINDS conform metadata representations (instances) as JSON-LDs.

Please note that openMINDS Python only helps you to generate correctly formatted JSON-LD metadata instances - the preparation on how you want to describe your research product with openMINDS is still up to you. If you need support in designing your own openMINDS metadata collection, check out the Tutorials which might give you hints on how to tackle your individual case or, of course, get in touch with us directly via our support-email (


The official versions are available at the Python Package Index and can be installed using `pip install` in your console:

pip install openMINDS

The latest development version is available on the openMINDS generator GitHub.


As stated above, the openMINDS Python allows you the dynamic usage of openMINDS metadata models and schemas in your Python application for generating your own collection of openMINDS conform metadata representations (instances) as JSON-LDs. Here a small example:

import openMINDS
import openMINDS.version_manager

# Initialise the local copy of openMINDS

# Select which version of openMINDS to use

# initiate the helper class for the dynamic usage of a specific openMINDS version
helper = openMINDS.Helper()

# initiate the collection into which you will store all metadata instances
mycollection = helper.create_collection()

# create a metadata instance for (e.g.) the openMINDS Person schema
person_open = mycollection.add_core_person(givenName="open")

# add more metadata to a created instance
mycollection.get(person_open).familyName = "MINDS"

# add connections to other metadata instances
email_openminds = mycollection.add_core_contactInformation(email="")
mycollection.get(person_open).contactInformation = email_openminds

# save your collection"./myFirstOpenMINDSMetadataCollection/")

To learn in general about the available openMINDS metadata models and schemas including their required or optional metadata properties, please check out the HTML representations of the schemas (cf. Metadata models & schemas) or the code on the corresponding GitHub.

Interactively you can also get an overview of the requirement of a schema and all its properties by using the help_ function of the openMINDS.compiler. Here an example:

# Getting help for properties

openMINDS spreadsheet templates

(coming soon) For users with no programming experience, it is possible to provide at least openMINDS conform metadata by using the openMINDS spreadsheet templates.

The EBRAINS Knowledge Graph Editor

For curators of the EBRAINS Data & Knowledge service and users with an EBRAINS account, it is possible to register openMINDS conform metadata into the EBRAINS Knowledge Graph database by using the EBRAINS Knowledge Graph Editor. This editor not only allows the manual registration of openMINDS conform metadata, but also has many project management related features establishing a controlled and secured environment for curating metadata of submitted research products that should be published via the EBRAINS Knowledge Graph database (including the assignment of an EBRAINS DOI if requested). 

To guarantee the latter, the EBRAINS Data & Knowledge service has its own EBRAINS Knowledge Graph Editor environment which reserves the rights of publicly releasing metadata and assigned EBRAINS DOIs via the EBRAINS Knowledge Graph for the members of the curation team. Nonetheless, users with an EBRAINS account can receive access to a separate EBRAINS Knowledge Graph Editor environment through a private Collab in the EBRAINS Collaboratory. All members of such a private Collab can then manually register openMINDS conform metadata through the EBRAINS Knowledge Graph Editor to a restricted space of the Knowledge Graph database that is not accessible to any user outside of the respective Collab. In order to publicly release these privately registered metadata, an official curation request has to be made through the EBRAINS Data & Knowledge service.

Independent of the different user environments, the EBRAINS Knowledge Graph Editor has the following features to facilitate the manual registration of openMINDS conform metadata:

(1) Input masks for all openMINDS metadata schemas. New metadata instances can be easily created through an intuitive input mask that validates the user entries already against the respective openMINDS schema.

(2) Facilitation of correct linkages between metadata instances. In accordance with the openMINDS metadata models, registered metadata instances can be linked with each other. Establishing these linkages is facilitated by jumping via dedicated properties to new input masks of matching schema types.

(3) Drop down menus for existing metadata instances. Establishing linkages between instances in accordance with the openMINDS metadata models is further facilitated by providing drop down menus for the dedicated properties for selecting existing instances of matching schema types.
