Simulate with EBRAINS Workshop, Nov 2022
Last modified by adavison on 2022/11/09 12:54
This wiki page is for participants in the "Simulate with EBRAINS" online workshop, 7-10 November 2022, who are taking part in the hands-on session "Using the PyNN library to build and simulate models on EBRAINS".
In this hands-on session we will work together through a Jupyter notebook which demonstrates the basics of working with PyNN.
This first page contains instructions for getting started with the hands-on session, and a list of resources for getting help and finding further documentation and tutorials.
- Rocket chat channel for asking questions during or after the session
- PyNN documentation
- PyNN tutorials on YouTube
- Collaboratory documentation
- So you can save any changes you might make to the notebook, it is best to work in your own collab workspace. If you already have a collab you want to use, open it in a new tab. If not, create a new one by clicking here or clicking on "Collabs" in the top menu then "Create a collab".
- After creating a Collab, you need to initialise the Drive (file storage), by clicking on the Drive link in the left-hand column.
- Copy the Jupyter notebook to your own collab
- (option A) click here, select "yes" in the "Grant Access to Collab File Cloner" dialog, select the target collab in the drop-down list, then click "Continue" followed by "Clone File".
- (option B) in this collab, click on "Drive", then "HandsOn" then "SimulateWithEBRAINS_Nov2022". Next to "PyNN_tutorial.ipynb" click on the "more options" button, then "Copy". In "Other Libraries" select your own collab then click "Submit".
- In your own collab, click on Lab, then select either "Fenix CH" or "Fenix DE".
- On the "Server Options" page, select "Official EBRAINS Docker image 22.03 for Collaboratory.Lab" then click "Start".
- In the left-hand file chooser, wait until the file listing appears (may take a few tens of seconds), then double-click on "PyNN_tutorial.ipynb".
- We will work through the notebook together, discussing each cell as we execute it. If you're not familiar with Jupyter notebooks, note that you can run a cell either by clicking the "play" icon or by typing "<shift>-<return>"