Wiki source code of QUINT demo collab

Version 71.2 by puchades on 2023/10/18 15:44

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puchades 67.2 5 = QUINT online demo =
sharoncy 1.1 6
puchades 67.2 7 This collab demonstrates a preliminary stage of integration of the QUINT workflow with the EBRAINS infrastructure.
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puchades 69.1 17 {{box title="
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20 **Contents**"}}
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sharoncy 39.1 24 == What is QUINT? ==
sharoncy 1.1 25
sharoncy 50.1 26 QUINT is an atlas-based workflow for quantification of cells and other features in 2-dimensional images of mouse or rat brain sections. For more information see[[ here>>]].
sharoncy 1.1 27
sharoncy 53.1 28 The web version of QUINT uses several applications installed from the EBRAINS Collaboratory App Store. These have been pre-installed in this collab and are displayed in the navigation panel (on the left-hand side in desktop browsers). Instructions for using the apps are also provided.
sharoncy 7.1 29
puchades 63.1 30 * **[[Image Service:>>]]** convert your image series to formats compatible with QUINT.
31 * **[[WebAlign:>>]] **enables registration of the 2D image series to a 3D reference atlas.
puchades 71.2 32 * [[(% style="color:#27ae60" %)**Webwarp**>>]](%%) enables a nonlinear refinement of the WebAlign registration.
puchades 63.1 33 * [[**webilastik:**>>]] enables extraction of objects such as cells from the image series.
34 * **[[NutilWeb:>>]] **enables quantification of the extracted objects per atlas-region.
35 * [[**Meshview: **>>]]enables visualisation in 3D reference space.
sharoncy 10.1 36
sharoncy 50.1 37 The apps may be used separately, or in sequence for full QUINT analysis. File transfer between the apps is done through the Bucket.
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sharoncy 50.1 39 As the first step, the images to be analysed are uploaded to the Bucket. The Image Service is used to convert them to formats that are compatible with WebAlign and webilastik. The result of WebAlign and Webilastik are fed into NutilWeb, which generates reports, plots, overlay images and coordinate files that can be downloaded from the Collab Bucket. The coordinates files may be viewed in Meshview.
sharoncy 10.1 40
sharoncy 40.1 41 == Demo dataset ==
sharoncy 36.1 42
sharoncy 40.1 43 A demo dataset for use with the apps is provided in the Bucket. The demo material originates from histological section images from the transgenic Arctic / Swedish mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
sharoncy 36.1 44
sharoncy 37.1 45 Lillehaug, S., Syverstad, G., Nilsson, L., Bjaalie, J. G., Leergaard, T. B., & Torp, R. (2018). //Brainwide distribution and variance of amyloid-beta deposits in tg-ArcSwe mice// [Data set]. Human Brain Project Neuroinformatics Platform: https:~/~/
sharoncy 39.1 47 == How to Install Collaboratory Apps ==
sharoncy 10.1 48
sharoncy 24.1 49 * For the purpose of this demo, the relevant apps have already been installed.
50 * Instructions for setting up the working environment, which includes installation of the Collaboratory Apps, are provided [[here>>]].
sharoncy 10.1 51
sharoncy 39.1 52 == Who has access? ==
sharoncy 1.1 53
puchades 62.1 54 * All collab users
sharoncy 7.1 55 * Collaboratory app developers
56 * Reviewers
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