5. Quantification and spatial analysis with Nutil
Last modified by puchades on 2021/11/16 09:11
Nutil Quantifier
A detailed online user manual is found here.
Basic steps
Nutil Quantifier quantifies and assigns anatomical location to labelled objects identified by segmentation in rodent-brain section images (mouse or rat).
It requires the following input.
- Segmentations with the labelling displayed in a single RGB colour
- Input format: 24-bit RGB images in PNG.
- The images have to have the same aspect ratio as the images used in QuickNII to generate the atlas maps (can be a different size).
- Quantifier is only able to extract one RGB colour at a time. Apply one RBG colour to all of the objects of interest and specify this colour code in the GUI (e.g., 255, 0, 0 for red).
To generate the segmentations, we recommend the Pixel and Object Classification workflows in the ilastik software (ilastik.org). However, any image-analysis software may be used.
- Customised atlas maps
Generate the atlas maps in FLAT format with the QuickNII software (or with VisuAlign).
- Anchored XML file generated with the QuickNII software.
Reference atlases in Nutil Quantifier
The Nutil software is currently compatible with
- Allen mouse brain Atlas (CCFv3, 2015 or 2017) and
- Waxholm Space Atlas of the Sprague Dawley rat brain v2, v3, v4.