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SC3 Visualization Framework Use Case

Last modified by jensb on 2023/04/27 14:17

SC3 Visualization Framework Use Case

Use ViSimpl together with NEST Desktop and Insite


NEST Desktop Setting up a network with ViSimpl waiting for the results

NEST Desktop receiving simulation results via Insite while ViSimpl waits

ViSimpl visualizing the simulation results next to NEST Desktop

Preparation (Quickstart Guide)

First, download the Docker Compose configuration file for NEST Desktop and Insite.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nest-desktop/nest-desktop-docker/main/examples/insite/docker-compose.yml

Then, pull the docker images using Docker Compose.

docker-compose pull

Afterwards, you can start NEST Desktop (with Insite).

docker-compose up

For ViSimpl, download the (binary) AppImage from the page, make it executable and then open it.

wget https://vg-lab.es/apps/visimpl/latest-release/visimpl-$VERSION-x86_64.AppImage
chmod +x visimpl-$VERSION-x86_64.AppImage

How to use NEST Desktop with ViSimpl (Quickstart Guide)

  1. In NEST Desktop, make sure that both backends (NEST Simulator and Insite) are running.
  2. Run the simulation of the network with Insite as recording backend.
  3. In ViSimpl, click on the REST button to get data from Insite (check that you use the correct URL).
  4. Now, ViSimpl shows spatial dots representing neurons and spikes are displayed in glowing mode.

Usage Video

A video showing the usage can be found here.

    iframe {
        height: 100vh;
        width: 100%;
        object-fit: fill; // use "cover" to avoid distortion
        position: absolute;