Wiki source code of Summit 2021

Version 7.1 by kindler on 2021/09/13 10:17

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kindler 4.1 1 == EBRAINS compute services at the HBP/EBRAINS Summit 2021 - 14 October 2021 ==
kindler 1.1 2
kindler 4.1 3 Offers:
kindler 1.1 4
kindler 7.1 5 |Scheduled presentations|Hands-on demonstrations|"Meet the experts"
kindler 4.1 6 |Neuromorphic computing overview|Neuromorphic computing :|(((
kindler 7.1 7 Come and talk to the experts - video sessions in parallel breakout rooms
kindler 4.1 8
9 * HPC
10 * Collaboratory
11 * Neuromorphic computing
12 )))
kindler 6.1 14 The EBRAINS compute services offering overview:
kindler 4.1 15
kindler 6.1 16 * the services are offered free of charge for research.
17 ** A (free of charge) EBRAINS account is required. [[Get an EBRAINS account here>>]].
18 ** The EBRAINS account already includes access to the [[Collaboratory>>]], which allows collaborative work (wiki pages, shared file space, online shared editing of text documents and spreadsheets) with colleagues. The Collaboratory is also used for interactive access to EBRAINS services via Jupyter notebooks (python programs running without installation in a webbrowser).
19 ** For access to HPC resources, a project description needs to be submitted, which will be evaluated by an access committee
20 ** For a test quota for the Neuromorphic Computing systems, please send your EBRAINS username via email to [[>>]] (some more process info is available [[here>>]])
kindler 5.1 21
kindler 3.1 22 |HPC / cloud|Neuromorphic Computing|EBRAINS Collaboratory
23 | |(((
24 BrainScaleS analog accelerated neuronal network emulation
26 [[image:Collabs.neuromorphic.BrainScaleS.WebHome@hicanndlssrhx_2020.jpg||height="100" width="150"]]
28 SpiNNaker real time large neuronal network simulation
30 [[image:201811_1MioCoreSpiNNakerMachine_IMG_1483_withPersonForSize.jpeg||height="150" width="200"]][[image:Collabs.neuromorphic.SpiNNaker.WebHome@SpiNN5_SpiNNaker48ChipsBoard_1000px.jpg||width="150"]]
31 )))|

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