Code description

Last modified by galluzziandrea on 2022/06/20 12:33

Introduction (path and modules):

First of all we check the path and import the necessary modules .

Check where I am and place myself in the right folder:

# Import the os module
import os

#Print the current working directory
print("Current working directory: {0}".format(os.getcwd()))

# Change the current working directory
os.chdir('/mnt/user/shared/Slow waves in fading anesthesia/Nest3Python3')

# Print the current working directory
print("Current working directory: {0}".format(os.getcwd()))

Import the modules necessary for the simulation:

import nest
import time
from numpy import exp
import numpy
import math
import random
import multiprocessing
print('tempo di Inizio:',Inizio)

Define necessary classes to import the Initialization Files:

class ImportIniLIFCA():
   #initialize the information to look for in perseo.ini
    inf=["NeuronType",               #still fixed value 
        "DelayDistribType",         #still fixed value 
        "SynapticExtractionType",   #still fixed value 
   def __init__(self,files):
   def FilesControllo(self):
       import sys
       for i in range(0,len(self.files)):
           if self.FileControllo(self.files[i]):

   def FileControllo(self,file1):
           return 0
       except ValueError:
           return 1
       except IOError as err:
           print("OS error: {0}".format(err))   
           return 1
           print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
           return 1    
   def Estrai_inf(self,stampa=0):

        InfoPerseo=self.EstraiInfoPerseo()                   #extract info from  perseo.ini
        AppoggioTempM=self.EstraiInfoModuli()                #extract info from   modules.ini
        AppoggioTempC=self.EstraiInfoConnectivity()          #extract info from  connectivity.ini
        AppoggioTempP=self.EstraiProtocol()                  #extract info from  protocol.ini

       def getKey(item):
           return item[0]
       # I convert the extracted information into a suitable format from tuple to list 
       for i in range(0,AppoggioTempM[0]):
       del app    

       for i in range(0,int(InfoBuildT[0])):
           for j in range(0,11):
       del app

       for i in range(0,len(AppoggioTempC[1][:])):
       del app

       for i in range(0,AppoggioTempM[0]):
       if stampa==1: #Print on screen of saved data 
           for i,j in enumerate(InfoPerseo):
           print("the network consists of ", AppoggioTempM[0], " neuronal population" )
           for i in range(0,AppoggioTempM[0]):
           for i in range(0,AppoggioTempM[0]**2):
           for i in InfoProtocol:

       return InfoPerseo,InfoBuild,InfoConnectPop,InfoConnectNoise,InfoProtocol
   def EstraiProtocol(self):
       import string
        ProtocolList= []
       for x in f1.readlines():    
           if len(y):
               if x[0]!="#" and y[0]=="SET_PARAM":
                   except ValueError:                        
       return ProtocolList
   def EstraiInfoPerseo(self):
       import string
        InfList= []
       for x in f1.readlines():    
           if len(y):
               if x[0]!="#":
                   for findinf in self.inf:
                       except ValueError:                        
       return InfList

   def EstraiInfoModuli(self):
       import string
       for i,x in enumerate(f1.readlines()):    
           if len(y):
               if x[0]!="#":
           if i==2:
               for j in range(1,14):
       for j in range(0,NumPop):     
       return NumPop,ParamList,PopsParamList
   def EstraiInfoConnectivity(self):
       import string
       for i,x in enumerate(f1.readlines()):    
           if len(y):
               if x[0]!="#":
           if i==1:
               for j in range(1,9):
       return ParamList,PopConParamList

Import the initialization files:

in this section we...

#define the name of the Output file 
#check the existence of the files being read      

#extract the information of interest from the files.ini and transfer them to the files: 

stampa=0;  #stampa=1 print  output simulation data on screen stampa=0 dont

# InfoPerseo=["NeuronType","DelayDistribType","SynapticExtractionType","Life" ]
# InfoBuild=[numero di popolazioni,
#             [N,C_ext,\nu_ext,\tau,\tetha,H,\tau_arp,NeuronInitType,\alpha_c,\tau_c,g_c],
#             [.....],[],...]
# InfoConnectPop=[numero di popolazioni,
#             [post,pre,c,Dmin,Dmax,syn typ,J,DJ],
#             [.....],[],...]
# InfoConnectNoise=[numero di popolazioni,
#             [J_ext,DJ_ext],
#             [.....],[],...]
# InfoProtocol=[[time,population,param_num,value],
#             [.....],[],...]


Defining general  and nest.kernel  parameters

#Clean the Network

#insert the introductory parameters of the simulation 

dt = 0.1                                  # the resolution in ms
StartMisure=0.                            # start time of measurements 
simtime = int(float(InfoPerseo[3]))       # Simulation time in ms (200 s)
if simtime<=StartMisure:                  # If the simulation time is less than StartMisure, it is increased by StartMisure 
start=0.0                                 # start time of poissonian processes
origin=0.0                                # temporal origin 

# Kernel parameters
nest.SetKernelStatus({"local_num_threads": LNT})
nest.SetKernelStatus({"resolution": dt, "print_time": True,
                     "overwrite_files": True})

#"randomize" the seeds of the random generators 

#msd = int(math.fabs(time.process_time()*1000))
#N_vp = nest.GetKernelStatus(['total_num_virtual_procs'])[0]
#pyrngs = [numpy.random.RandomState(s) for s in range(msd, msd+N_vp)]
#nest.SetKernelStatus({"grng_seed" : msd+N_vp})
#nest.SetKernelStatus({"rng_seeds" : list(range(msd+N_vp+1, msd+2*N_vp+1))})

Building the network:  neuronal populations , Poisson processes and spike detectors

print("Building network")

startbuild = time.time() #initialize the calculation of the time used to simulate 


#define and initialize the populations of neurons with the parameters extracted from the.ini files 
for i in range(1,int(InfoBuild[0])+1):    
   if int(InfoBuild[i][7])==0:
    app2= nest.Create("aeif_psc_exp", int(InfoBuild[i][0]),params={"C_m":     1.0,
                                                                  "g_L":     1.0/float(InfoBuild[i][3]),
                                                                  "t_ref":   float(InfoBuild[i][6]),
                                                                  "E_L":     0.0,
                                                                  "V_reset": float(InfoBuild[i][5]),
                                                                  "V_m":     app,
                                                                  "V_th":    float(InfoBuild[i][4]),
                                                                  "Delta_T": 0.,
                                                                  "tau_syn_ex": 1.0,
                                                                  "tau_syn_in": 1.0,
                                                                  "a":     0.0,
                                                                  "b":     float(InfoBuild[i][10]),
                                                                  "tau_w": float(InfoBuild[i][9]),

#define and initialize the poisson generators and the spike detectors with  the parameters extracted from the.ini files

for i in range(1,int(InfoBuild[0])+1):       
    app3= nest.Create("poisson_generator",params={"rate": float(InfoBuild[i][1]*InfoBuild[i][2]),
    app4 = nest.Create("spike_recorder",params={ "start":StartMisure})

endbuild = time.time()


Connecting the network nodes:  neuronal populations, Poisson processes and spike detectors

print("Connecting ")

startconnect = time.time()

#create and define the connections between the populations of neurons and the poisson generators 
#and between the populations of neurons and the spike detectors with the parameters extracted from the.ini files 

for i in range(0,int(InfoBuild[0])):   
    nest.Connect(NoisePop[i], NeuronPop[i], syn_spec={'synapse_model': 'static_synapse_hpc',
                                             'delay': dt,        
                                             'weight': nest.math.redraw(nest.random.normal(mean=float(InfoConnectNoise[i+1][0]),
                                                                        min=0., max=float('Inf'))
    nest.Connect(NeuronPop[i][:int(InfoBuild[i+1][0])], DetectorPop[i], syn_spec={"weight": 1.0, "delay": dt})

#create and define the connections between the populations of neurons with the parameters extracted from the.ini files 

for i in range(0,len(InfoConnectPop[1:])):

    conn=nest.Connect(NeuronPop[int(InfoConnectPop[i+1][1])], NeuronPop[int(InfoConnectPop[i+1][0])],
                                     {'rule': 'pairwise_bernoulli',
                                     'p':float(InfoConnectPop[i+1][2]) },        
                                      syn_spec={'synapse_model': 'static_synapse_hpc',      
                                                              min= numpy.max([dt,float(1./float(InfoConnectPop[i+1][4]))]),
                                                              max= float(1./(float(InfoConnectPop[i+1][3])-dt/2))),

endconnect = time.time()


Simulating: neuronal time evolution.

       if Salva:
           print("I m going to save the data")
            f = open(FileName,"w")
           if len(InfoProtocol):
               print("I m going to split the simulation")
               for contatore in range(0,len(InfoProtocol)):
                   if (appoggio1-appoggio2)>=1:
                       #Save the Data!!!!
                       for i in range(0,int(InfoBuild[0])):
                           if len(a)>0:
                       for j in range(0,len(hist)):
                            f.write(str(Tbin[j])+" ")
                           for i in range(0,int(InfoBuild[0])):
                                f.write(str(Equilibri[i][j])+" ")
                            f.write("\n ")
                       for contatore2 in range(1,(appoggio1-appoggio2)):
                           #Save the Data!!!!
                           for i in range(0,int(InfoBuild[0])):
                               if len(a)>0:
                           for j in range(0,len(hist)):
                                f.write(str(Tbin[j])+" ")
                               for i in range(0,int(InfoBuild[0])):
                                    f.write(str(Equilibri[i][j])+" ")
                                f.write("\n ")
                   if InfoProtocol[contatore][2]==4:
                        nest.SetStatus(NoisePop[InfoProtocol[contatore][1]],params={"rate": float(InfoBuild[1+InfoProtocol[contatore][1]][2]*InfoProtocol[contatore][3])})
                   if InfoProtocol[contatore][2]==12:
                        nest.SetStatus(NeuronPop[InfoProtocol[contatore][1]], params={"b": float(InfoProtocol[contatore][3])})
           if (simtime-tempo)>0.:

            endsimulate = time.time()
           if len(InfoProtocol):
               for contatore in range(0,len(InfoProtocol)):
                   if InfoProtocol[contatore][2]==4:
                                    nest.SetStatus(NoisePop[InfoProtocol[contatore][1]],params={"rate": float(InfoBuild[1+InfoProtocol[contatore][1]][2]*InfoProtocol[contatore][3])})
                                   #print "Population:", InfoProtocol[contatore][1] ,";Parameter:", InfoProtocol[contatore][2]  ,";  Value: ",InfoProtocol[contatore][3]
                   if InfoProtocol[contatore][2]==12:
                                                  nest.SetStatus(NeuronPop[InfoProtocol[contatore][1]], params={"b": float(InfoProtocol[contatore][3])})
                                                 #print "Population:", InfoProtocol[contatore][1] ,";Parameter:", InfoProtocol[contatore][2]  ,";  Value: ",InfoProtocol[contatore][3]

           if (simtime-tempo)>0.:
            endsimulate = time.time()


       #print some information from the simulation 

        num_synapses = nest.GetDefaults('static_synapse_hpc')["num_connections"]
        build_time = endbuild - startbuild
        connect_time = endconnect - startconnect
        sim_time = endsimulate - endconnect

       for i in range(0,int(InfoBuild[0])):

       print(" Network simulation (Python) neuron type:",InfoPerseo[0])
       print("Number of neurons : {0}".format(N_neurons))
       print("Number of synapses: {0}".format(num_synapses))
       print("Building time     : %.2f s" % build_time)
       print("Connecting time     : %.2f s" % connect_time)
       print("Simulation time   : %.2f s" % sim_time)

print ("Total Simulation time   : %.2f s" % (Fine-Inizio))



the output of this simulation is...