Last modified by adavison on 2024/11/13 10:32

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adavison 42.1 1 == Audience ==
jan 14.2 2
adavison 43.1 3 This guide is for software developers who would like to register their software in the EBRAINS Knowledge Graph (KG).
jan 1.1 4
adavison 42.1 5 == Introduction ==
jan 15.2 6
adavison 42.1 7 Most software changes over time, with new features or bug fixes, and new releases. For scientific research to be reproducible, it is important to keep track of which versions of software were used for a given study. This means it needs to be easy for the developers of software used in the EBRAINS Research Infrastructure to keep the information about their software up-to-date, and to register new versions of their software when they are released.
jan 17.1 8
adavison 42.1 9 For this reason, the process of adding information about software and software versions has been automated as much as possible. Two methods are available:
jan 9.1 10
adavison 44.1 11 1. providing a ##codemeta.json## file in your software repository.
adavison 42.1 12 1. publishing software through Zenodo.
jan 21.1 13
adavison 42.1 14 == Method 1: Providing a codemeta.json file in your software repository ==
jan 21.1 15
adavison 44.1 16 [[CodeMeta>>||rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"]] is a project developed by a number of actors involved in sharing software, including Zenodo, GitHub, DataCite and Software Heritage, to provide a common specification for software metadata. EBRAINS has adopted the CodeMeta specification to maximise interoperability with other software repositories, and to minimise the added burden on software developers. A web form for generating ##codemeta.json## files is available at [[https:~~/~~/>>||rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"]], provided by Software Heritage.
jan 21.1 17
adavison 44.1 18 To register your software with EBRAINS, place a ##codemeta.json## file in your code repository (e.g. on GitHub or GitLab), and send the URL of the file to the curation team via [[EBRAINS support>>||rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"]]. Your software will then automatically be registered in the KG.
jan 21.1 19
adavison 44.1 20 Whenever you make a new release of the software, update the ##codemeta.json## file. EBRAINS will scan this file regularly and whenever it finds a new version identifier the new version will be added to the KG, and linked to all the previous versions.
adavison 42.4 21
adavison 42.1 22 == Method 2: Publishing software through Zenodo ==
jan 21.1 23
adavison 43.1 24 If you already share your software through Zenodo, you can register it with EBRAINS as well by sending the Zenodo URL to the curation team via [[EBRAINS support>>||rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"]]. Whenever a new version of your software is published through Zenodo, it will also be automatically added to the KG.