Wiki source code of Interacting with the Drive

Last modified by messines on 2023/01/27 13:53

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1 == REST API ==
3 The drive is based on Seafile. Seafile comes with a restful API which allows you to interact with the content and libraries. You can find the documentation for the Seafile API here: [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]]
5 The Collaboratory.Drive is protected using OpenID Connect. The authentication is done by using [[access tokens>>url:]]. You need to have an application which the user logs into to obtain a token for the user. This application will need an OpenID Connect client to be registered. You can find instructions here: [[Creating Your OpenID Connect Client>>doc:Collabs.the-collaboratory.Documentation IAM.FAQ.OIDC Clients explained.WebHome]].
7 (% class="box infomessage" %)
8 (((
9 In order to read from the Collaboratory.Drive, you currently need the **``** and** `email`** scopes.
10 )))
12 To authenticate to the API, you add an `Authorization` header to the HTTP request with the content `Bearer {TOKEN}`.
14 curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" https:~/~/
16 (% class="wikigeneratedid" id="HH4Won27tAppearinToC" %)