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Simulate with EBRAINS TVB-multiscale workshop presentation

Last modified by dionperd on 2024/04/08 12:55


TVB-Multiscale: Deep Brain Stimulation use case demonstration

November 9th, 2022

TVB-multiscale JupyterHub apps are now deprecated! See: https://wiki.ebrains.eu/bin/view/Collabs/the-virtual-brain-multiscale/ about how to run TVB-multiscale (TVB-NEST, TVB-NetPyNE (NEURON), TVB-ANNarchy) on EBRAINS!

What can I find here?

Guide to run the use-case notebooks

  1. Run the EBRAINS TVB-Multiscale app by browsing to https://tvb-multiscale.apps.hbp.eu/ and logging in with your EBRAINS account. (The first time you log-in, you might need to try several times by refreshing the page, until it works for you!)
  2. Navigate to "Contributed-Notebooks" folder, which offers user-specific persistent storage.
  3. Upload and unzip there SimulateWithEBRAINS.zip by running
    unzip SimulateWithEBRAINS.zip
    on a terminal, or
    ! unzip SimulateWithEBRAINS.zip
    in a notebook.
  4. Run the TVB-corr-cortex-opt.ipynb notebook for TVB-ANNarchy cosimulation and the ANNarchy-spiking-cortex.ipynb one for ANNarchy only simulation.