Changes for page User Story: TVB

Last modified by ldomide on 2024/05/20 08:51

From version 48.1
edited by ldomide
on 2022/04/18 15:09
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 49.1
edited by ldomide
on 2022/04/18 15:11
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



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... ... @@ -68,9 +68,8 @@
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69 69  * On the EBRAINS Collaboratory Platform TVB Simulator usage is introduced through IPython Notebooks in the main TVB [[collab>>doc:Collabs.the-virtual-brain.WebHome||target="_blank"]].
70 70  * Additionally, the TVB GUI can be directly accessed as [[a Web App>>]]. Via the Web App users can configure simulations that are – depending on their complexity – either simulated directly on the web server or on a supercomputer, thereby making resource-consuming TVB functionality accessible to researchers that do not have access to supercomputers.
71 -* Compiled standalone versions of the main software package can be downloaded from [[>>]].
71 +* Compiled standalone versions of the main software package can be downloaded from [[>>]].
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74 74  In the following we take you through the main steps of brain network model simulation:
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76 76  * Construct and downloaded the structural connectivity generated with the TVB pipeline. Alternatively, you can use demo SC that is shipped with the main TVB package.