Warning: Dear service owners, OKD prod and dev instances at CSCS are being decommisioned (hard deadline is end of September). All services running in both prod and dev instances must be deleted before that time

This assessment highlights the ways in which EBRAINS fulfills the 17 FAIRsFAIR Data Object Assessment Metrics for sharing datasets.

Please also see our video higlighting how EBRAINS datasets are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable in the EBRAINS Knowledge Graph. 


FsF-F1-01D - Data is assigned a globally unique identifier

Information about access restrictions or rights, such as for sensitive human data, can be identified in the EBRAINS data card.

FsF-A1-02M - Metadata is accessible through a standardized communication protocol

The URL for the EBRAINS data card is based on the https protocol. The EBRAINS KG is built on an open API not requiring registration.

FsF-A1-03D - Data is accessible through a standardized communication protocol 

The URL for the EBRAINS data card is based on the https protocol. The EBRAINS KG is built on an open API not requiring registration.

FsF-A2-01M - Metadata remains available, even if the data is no longer available. 

Metadata includes a resolvable link to data based on the https protocol. If this link is broken, the metadata will still be available (as ensured in the EBRAINS policies).


FsF-A1-01M - Metadata contains access level and access conditions of the data. 

Information about access restrictions or rights, such as for sensitive human data, can be identified in the EBRAINS data card.

FsF-A1-02M - Metadata is accessible through a standardized communication protocol

The URL for the EBRAINS data card is based on the https protocol. The EBRAINS KG is built on an open API not requiring registration.

FsF-A1-03D - Data is accessible through a standardized communication protocol 

The URL for the EBRAINS data card is based on the https protocol. The EBRAINS KG is built on an open API not requiring registration.

FsF-A2-01M - Metadata remains available, even if the data is no longer available. 

Metadata includes a resolvable link to data based on the https protocol. If this link is broken, the metadata will still be available (as ensured in the EBRAINS policies).


FsF-I1-01M - Metadata is represented using a formal knowledge representation language. 


openMINDS is an open and structured metadata language suited for neuroscience data structures. openMINDS metadata are defined in JSON and JSON-LD. 

FsF-I1-02M - Metadata uses semantic resources. 


openMINDS is a metadata framework that integrates community-wide accepted neuroscience ontologies, in close collaboration with the Interlex project.

FsF-I3-01M -Metadata includes links between the data and its related entities. 


openMINDS metadata schemas include references to internal (linked types) and external metadata (ontology identifier) through internationalized resource identifiers (IRI)


FsF-R1-01MD - Metadata specifies the content of the data. 

The content of the dataset is thoroughly described in the Data records section of the EBRAINS data descriptor, as well as via openMINDS terms.

FsF-R1.1-01M - Metadata includes license information under which data can be reused. 

All datasets have a Creative Commons license that is added as an openMINDS term.

FsF-R1.2-01M - Metadata includes provenance information about data creation or generation. 


A minimum level of data provenance must be described in the Methods section of the EBRAINS Data descriptor. Data provenance can also be captured in machine-readable metadata as openMINDS protocols and protocol executions, or other modality-specific schemas.   

FsF-R1.3-01M - Metadata follows a standard recommended by the target research community of the data. 

openMINDS is an open and  community-driven metadata standard uniting knowledge from a number of research initiatives.

FsF-R1.3-02D - Data is available in a file format recommended by the target research community. 

EBRAINS recommends data providers share data in open file formats. But, proprietary file formats are also accepted when necessary.



Data Curation