
Last modified by michaels on 2022/05/12 14:31

High-speed parallel brain network simulation

A fast implementation of The Virtual Brain brain network simulator

Direct link to notebook


What can I find here?

  • an IPython notebook that describes how to
    • pull the TVB-C container into one of the associated supercomputers using PyUnicore
    • upload model data to the supercomputer
    • set up and run simulations
    • download simulation results

How do I use it?

  • the simulation code is implemented as a Docker container
  • the container is executed on supercomputers and operated via IPython notebooks
  • Find the notebook by clicking on "Drive" in the left menu. The notebook is called "TVB_C.ipynb"
  • To use the notebook, download it onto your local filesystem, create a new Collab and upload it there.
  • Then, head over to to edit and run your notebook.
  • Depending on whether you created a public or a private notebook it will be accessible in either "drive/Shared with all" or "drive/Shared with groups'"


Publications using Fast_TVB


