Changes for page BrainScaleS
Last modified by kindler on 2024/07/12 08:52
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... ... @@ -14,15 +14,17 @@ 14 14 * Interactive mode: since November 2021 it is possible to use the BrainScaleS-2 single chip system also interactively from the EBRAINS collab (please use the "EBRAINS_release_..." kernel for running interactive scripts. See the "BrainScaleS-2 interactive demo does not work with error message "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pynn_brainscales'"" entry on the troubleshooting page for a description how to select the kernel) 15 15 BrainScaleS-2 interactive examples are [[documented here>>]] and the latest version can be downloaded from the [[Jupyter notebook branch in this github repository>>]] (use the "Raw" button at the file you want to download) or [[git clone the whole examples part>>doc:Collabs.neuromorphic.HowToUse.Git clone from a notebook.WebHome]]. 16 16 ))) 17 -* Via direct access: For "serious" use beyond testing and getting aquaintedwith thesystems wecan also provide direct ssh access to the system control servers. Please request this type of access via support@ebrains.eu17 +* Via direct access: we can also provide direct ssh access to the system control servers. Please request this type of access via 18 18 19 19 === System types === 20 20 21 -For BrainScaleS three systems are currently available via the EBRAINS Collaboratory ("Collab"): 21 +For BrainScaleS three different system types are currently available via the EBRAINS Collaboratory ("Collab"): 22 22 23 23 * BrainScaleS-2: the 2nd generation system. Currently available are single chip systems, accessible via Collab since June 2020 for low-level access and since March 2021 also for access using PyNN. 24 24 For a system introduction / overview and some experiment examples see e.g. "[[The BrainScaleS-2 accelerated neuromorphic system with hybrid plasticity>>]]." (arXiv, published 26 January 2022) 25 25 [[image:hicanndlssrhx_2020.jpg]] 26 + 26 26 * The first generation wafer-scale system, accessible via Collab since the [[HBP platform release>>]] on 30 March 2016 27 27 [[image:BrainScaleS_WaferV4.JPG]] 29 + 28 28 * Legacy: The standalone single chip system Spikey, the predecessor of the BrainScaleS systems[[image:7D_0160762_c_USBSpikeyAndLaptop.JPG]]