Changes for page BrainScaleS

Last modified by kindler on 2024/07/12 08:52

From version 30.1
edited by kindler
on 2022/01/27 09:42
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 33.1
edited by kindler
on 2023/11/15 13:46
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



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... ... @@ -8,17 +8,17 @@
8 8  (% class="wikigeneratedid" %)
9 9  Via Jupyter Notebook
10 10  
11 +* Interactive mode:  use the BrainScaleS-2 single chip system interactively from the EBRAINS collab (please use the "EBRAINS-experimental" kernel for running interactive scripts. See the troubleshooting page for a description how to select the kernel)
12 +BrainScaleS-2 interactive examples are [[documented here>>]] and the latest version can be downloaded from the [[Jupyter notebook branch in this github repository>>]] (use the "Raw" button at the file you want to download) or [[git clone the whole examples part>>doc:Collabs.neuromorphic.HowToUse.Git clone from a notebook.WebHome]].
11 11  * Batch mode (accessing these Jupyter notebooks requires to log in with an EBRAINS account. For your own experiments you will also need an own collab + test quota. Please see the [[getting access page>>doc:Collabs.neuromorphic.Getting access.WebHome]] for the how-to. The [[dashboard page>>]] shows the system queue status and usage)
12 12  ** Example: [[synfire chain>>]] on BrainScaleS-1 wafer scale system
13 13  ** Example: [[single membrane experiments>>]] on BrainScaleS-2 single chip system
14 -* Interactive mode: since November 2021 it is possible to use the BrainScaleS-2 single chip system also interactively from the EBRAINS collab (please use the "EBRAINS_release_..." kernel for running interactive scripts. See the "BrainScaleS-2 interactive demo does not work with error message "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pynn_brainscales'"" entry on the troubleshooting page for a description how to select the kernel)
15 -BrainScaleS-2 interactive examples are [[documented here>>]] and the latest version can be downloaded from the [[Jupyter notebook branch in this github repository>>]] (use the "Raw" button at the file you want to download) or [[git clone the whole examples part>>doc:Collabs.neuromorphic.HowToUse.Git clone from a notebook.WebHome]].
16 16  )))
17 -* Via direct access: For "serious" use beyond testing and getting aquainted with the systems we can also provide direct ssh access to the system control servers. Please request this type of access via
17 +* Via direct access: we can also provide direct ssh access to the system control servers. Please request this type of access via
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19 19  === System types ===
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21 -For BrainScaleS three systems are currently available via the EBRAINS Collaboratory ("Collab"):
21 +For BrainScaleS three different system types are currently available via the EBRAINS Collaboratory ("Collab"):
22 22  
23 23  * BrainScaleS-2: the 2nd generation system. Currently available are single chip systems, accessible via Collab since June 2020 for low-level access and since March 2021 also for access using PyNN.
24 24  For a system introduction / overview and some experiment examples see e.g. "[[The BrainScaleS-2 accelerated neuromorphic system with hybrid plasticity>>]]." (arXiv, published 26 January 2022)