Wiki source code of BrainScaleS

Version 8.1 by kindler on 2020/06/18 15:48

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kindler 1.1 1 == BrainScaleS in EBRAINS ==
kindler 8.1 3 === How to use it? ===
kindler 3.1 4
kindler 8.1 5 * Documentation: the [[neuromorphic computing guidebook>>]]
6 * [[Getting access>>Collabs.neuromorphic.Getting access.WebHome]] (test access is free of charge and does not need a project description)
7 * Getting help: consult the [[list of help resources>>]] in the guidebook (like chat and user group) or use the [[EBRAINS support>>]]
kindler 3.1 8
kindler 8.1 9 === System types ===
11 For BrainScaleS three systems are currently available via the Collab:
13 * The 2nd generation single chip system, accessible via Collab since June 2020
14 [[image:CR_0123405_with1cmBar_HICANN-X.jpg]]
15 * The first generation wafer-scale system, accessible via Collab since the [[HBP platform release>>]] on 30 March 2016
16 [[image:BrainScaleS_WaferV4.JPG]]
17 * The standalone single chip system Spikey, the predecessor of the BrainScaleS systems[[image:7D_0160762_c_USBSpikeyAndLaptop.JPG]]