Warning: Dear service owners, OKD prod and dev instances at CSCS are being decommisioned (hard deadline is end of September). All services running in both prod and dev instances must be deleted before that time

To get e.g. the newest BrainScaleS-2 interactive tutorial examples from this github repository:

  • Open your "Lab" (left hand menu, choose CSCS as execution site for the Jupyter notebooks)
  • create a folder, to which the examples should be cloned in the file browser (here e.g. "test")
  • Open a "terminal" from the Launcher
  • In the appearing window change into the directory, to where you would like to clone the examples files:

    cd /opt/app-root/src/shared/NMC\ test\ collab\ for\ user\ YOUR_USERNAME

  • then type in the clone command:
git clone https://github.com/electronicvisions/brainscales2-demos.git --branch jupyter-notebooks

or, to get the latest experimental version:

git clone https://github.com/electronicvisions/brainscales2-demos.git --branch jupyter-notebooks-experimental
  • the cloned files are in the new directory brainscales2-demo
  • Note: to run the examples, please use "EBRAINS_release..." kernel (see the troubleshooting page for how to change the kernel)