Attribute descriptions

Version 2.1 by jan on 2022/11/22 14:42


  • Full Name: Whole, non-abbreviated and descriptive name (title) for this software.
  • Short Name: Shortened or fully abbreviated name (alias) for this software (max. 30 characters; no space).
  • Description: Longer statement or account (abstract) giving the characteristics for this software (max. 2000 characters, incl. spaces; no references).
    NOTE: This is how you present your software publicly to potential end-users or other researchers. Keep in mind that it is important to clarify the purpose of the software as well as its use cases and a brief overlook of the methods used if applicable. A one-sentence description that barely reveals more information than the title does is insufficient, thus will not be accepted.
  • Developer: Add one or several developers (person or organization) that contributed to the code implementation of this software (as a whole, not a specific version).
  • HasVersion: Add one or several versions of this software tool. (This is up to the Curators)
  • Custodian: Add one or several custodians (person or organization) that are responsible for this research product. Note that this custodian will be responsible for all attached research product versions.
  • Digital Identifier: Globally unique and persistent digital identifier of this software (as a whole, not a specific version).
  • Homepage: Link to the main website of this software.
  • Has Version: Reference to one or several versions of this software.


  • Full Name: Whole, non-abbreviated and descriptive name (title) for this software version.
  • Short Name: Shortened or fully abbreviated name (alias) for this software version (max. 30 characters; no space).
  • Version Identifier: Term or code used to identify the version of this software.
  • Release Date: Fixed date (actual or intended) of the first broadcast/publication of this software version.
  • Description: Longer statement or account (abstract) giving the characteristics for this software version(max. 2000 characters, incl. spaces; no references).
  • Digital Identifier: Globally unique and persistent digital identifier of this specific software version.
  • Accessibility: Level to which this software version is accessible to the public
    • Free Access: Data and metadata are both released and become immediately available without any access restrictions
    • Controlled Access: Data and metadata are both released, but data are only available for users after they logged in and authenticated themselves
    • Restricted Access: Metadata are released, but data remain on an access restricted server
    • Under Embargo: Metadata are released, but data remain unavailable for the public until the embargo is lifted
  • Funding: Money provided by a legal person for this software version
  • License: Grant by a party to another party as an element of an agreement between those parties that permits to do, use, or own this software version
  • Developer: Person or organization that contributed to the code implementation of this software version.
  • Device: Hardware devices compatible with this software version
    • Desktop
    • Mobile
    • Web
    • Server
    • HPC
    • Embedded System
  • Operating System: Operating systems supported by this software version
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • macOS
    • iOS
    • Solaris
    • Unix
    • Android
    • platform independent
  • Requirement: Software requirements for installing & using this software version. Only for development/building if there are no precompiled binaries. Furthermore no dependencies should be listed (e.g. "C++ Compiler" but no "zlib"). Content of the requirements.txt of python project *must not* be included.
  • Full Documentation: Globally unique and persistent digital identifier of a full documentation of this software version.
  • Repository: Link to the file repository of this software version.
  • Application Category: Distinct class that groups software programs which perform a similar task or set of tasks.
  • Feature: List of [distinguishing characteristics]( of this software version.
  • Input Format: Please provide the name of the file format and its usual ending (e.g. NeuroML(XML)).
  • Output Format: Please provide the name of the file format and its usual ending (e.g. NeuroML(XML)).
  • Programming Language: The programming language(s) in which the software is written. 
  • Language: Languages supported by this software version.
  • Has Component: Software versions that supplement this software version.
  • Is Alternative Version Of: Software versions that can be used alternatively to this software version.
  • Version Innovation: Short summary of the novelties/peculiarities of this software version (as plain text or as a link).
  • Author: Person or organization that contributed to the production and publication of this software version.
  • Custodian: Person or organization that are responsible for this research product version.
  • Copyright: Copyright information of this software version.
  • Homepage: Link to the main website of this software version.
  • Support Channel: Channels through which a user can receive support for handling this software version.
  • Keyword: Significant word or concept that are representative of this software version.
  • Related Publication: Further publications besides the documentation (e.g. an original research article) providing the original context for the production of this software version.
  • Other Contribution: Contributions for each involved person or organization going beyond being an author, custodian or developer of this software version.