Wiki source code of Attribute descriptions

Last modified by adavison on 2024/11/08 17:15

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1 = SOFTWARE {{id name="software"/}} =
3 * **Full Name:** Whole, non-abbreviated and descriptive name (title) for this software.
4 * **Short Name:** Shortened or fully abbreviated name (alias) for this software (max. 30 characters; no space).
5 * **Description:** Longer statement or account (abstract) giving the characteristics for this software (max. 2000 characters, incl. spaces; no references). **NOTE:** //This is how you present your software publicly to potential end-users or other researchers. Keep in mind that it is important to clarify the purpose of the software as well as its use cases and a brief overlook of the methods used if applicable. A one-sentence description that barely reveals more information than the title does is insufficient, thus will not be accepted.//
6 * **Developer:** Add one or several developers (person or organization) that contributed to the code implementation of this software (as a whole, not a specific version).
7 * **HasVersion:** Add one or several versions of this software tool. (This is up to the Curators)
8 * **Custodian:** Add one or several custodians (person or organization) that are responsible for this research product. Note that this custodian will be responsible for all attached research product versions.
9 * **Digital Identifier:** Globally unique and persistent digital identifier of this software (as a whole, not a specific version).
10 * **Homepage:** Link to the main website of this software.
11 * **Has Version:** Reference to one or several versions of this software.
13 = SOFTWARE VERSION {{id name="software-version"/}} =
15 * **Full Name:** Whole, non-abbreviated and descriptive name (title) for this software version.
16 * **Short Name:** Shortened or fully abbreviated name (alias) for this software version (max. 30 characters; no space).
17 * **Version Identifier:** Term or code used to identify the version of this software.
18 * **Release Date:** Fixed date (actual or intended) of the first broadcast/publication of this software version.
19 * **Description:** Longer statement or account (abstract) giving the characteristics for this software version(max. 2000 characters, incl. spaces; no references).
20 * **Digital Identifier:** Globally unique and persistent digital identifier of this specific software version.
21 * **Accessibility:** Level to which this software version is accessible to the public
22 ** Free Access: Data and metadata are both released and become immediately available without any access restrictions
23 ** Controlled Access: Data and metadata are both released, but data are only available for users after they logged in and authenticated themselves
24 ** Restricted Access: Metadata are released, but data remain on an access restricted server
25 ** Under Embargo: Metadata are released, but data remain unavailable for the public until the embargo is lifted
26 * **Funding:** Money provided by a legal person for this software version
27 * **License:** Grant by a party to another party as an element of an agreement between those parties that permits to do, use, or own this software version
28 * **Developer:** Person or organization that contributed to the code implementation of this software version.
29 * **Device:** Hardware devices compatible with this software version
30 ** Desktop
31 ** Mobile
32 ** Web
33 ** Server
34 ** HPC
35 ** Embedded System
36 * **Operating System:** Operating systems supported by this software version
37 ** Windows
38 ** Linux
39 ** macOS
40 ** iOS
41 ** Solaris
42 ** Unix
43 ** Android
44 ** platform independent
45 * **Requirement:** Software requirements for installing & using this software version. Only for development/building if there are no precompiled binaries. Furthermore no dependencies should be listed (e.g. "C++ Compiler" but no "zlib"). Content of the requirements.txt of python project //must not// be included.
46 * **Full Documentation:** Globally unique and persistent digital identifier of a full documentation of this software version.
47 * **Repository:** Link to the file repository of this software version.
48 * **Application Category:** Distinct class that groups software programs which perform a similar task or set of tasks.
49 ** [[Application>>]]
50 ** [[Library>>]]
51 ** [[Plugin>>]]
52 ** [[Module>>]]
53 ** [[Notebook>>]]
54 ** [[Middleware>>]]
55 * **Feature:** List of [[distinguishing characteristics>>doc:Collabs.swc-guide.Archive.Software Features.WebHome]] of this software version.
56 * **Input Format:** Please provide the name of the file format and its usual ending (e.g. NeuroML(XML)).
57 * **Output Format:** Please provide the name of the file format and its usual ending (e.g. NeuroML(XML)).
58 * **Programming Language:** The programming language(s) in which the software is written.
59 * **Language:** Languages supported by this software version.
60 * **Has Component:** Software versions that supplement this software version.
61 * **Is Alternative Version Of:** Software versions that can be used alternatively to this software version.
62 * **Version Innovation:** Short summary of the novelties/peculiarities of this software version (as plain text or as a link).
63 * **Author:** Person or organization that contributed to the production and publication of this software version.
64 * **Custodian:** Person or organization that are responsible for this research product version.
65 * **Copyright:** Copyright information of this software version.
66 * **Homepage:** Link to the main website of this software version.
67 * **Support Channel:** Channels through which a user can receive support for handling this software version.
68 * **Keyword:** Significant word or concept that are representative of this software version.
69 * **Related Publication:** Further publications besides the documentation (e.g. an original research article) providing the original context for the production of this software version.
70 * **Other Contribution:** Contributions for each involved person or organization going beyond being an author, custodian or developer of this software version.
72 ----
74 == DEPRECATED SCHEMA {{id name="deprecated-schema"/}} ==
76 * **Name:** The official name of the software.
77 * **Summary:** A short (e.g one sentence) description of the software.
78 * **Description:** This is how you present your software publicly to potential end-users or other researchers. Keep in mind that it is important to clarify the purpose of the software as well as its use cases and a brief overlook of the methods used if applicable. A one-sentence description that barely reveals more information than the title does is insufficient, thus will not be accepted. If another version of your software already exists, please only fill out if there's a change in the description of your software. These changes will be appended to the description of your previous version on the card in the KG.
79 * **Created at:** Creation date or release date of this version.
80 * **Application Category:** Type of the Software
81 ** Application
82 ** Library
83 ** Plugin
84 ** Module
85 ** Notebook
86 ** Middleware
87 * **Operating Systems**
88 ** windows
89 ** linux
90 ** macOS
91 ** iOS
92 ** solaris
93 ** unix
94 ** android
95 ** platform independent
96 * **Software Requirements:** Softwarerequirements for installing & using the Software. Only for development/building if there are no precompiled binaries. Furthermore no dependencies should be listed (e.g. "C++ Compiler" but no "zlib"). Content of the requirements.txt of python project //must not// be included.
97 * **Homepage:** Link to the homepage of this software.
98 * **License:** A license document that applies to this content, typically indicated by URL or a commonly known license title (e.g. GPLv3).
99 * **Funder:** An organization that supports (sponsors) the software through some kind of financial contribution.
100 * **Keywords:** Keywords or tags used to describe this content.
101 * **Version:** The version of the software.
102 * **Language:** The Language of the software's user interface.
103 * **Unique Identifier:** Unique digital identifier that links to this software directly (e.g. DOI). Can either be requested to be registered by EBRAINS or filled in with already existing identifier.
104 * **DOI Requested:** This field is to be ticked, if the developer explicitly wishes a new DOI to be registered by the EBRAINS knowledge graph.
105 * **Citations:** Please only provide DOIs or similar URIs that link to a publication (i.e. a Journal Paper or similar) where this software is described.
106 * **Release Notes:** As plaintext or link (eg. Github).
107 * **Screenshot(s):** Links to screenshot images of the software.
108 * **Authors:** Only persons with name and email addresses.
109 * **Copyright Holders:** Please enter Person (Name + Email) or Organisation.
110 * **Copyright Year:** The year during which the copyright was first asserted.
111 * **Documentation:** Link to the documentation of this software.
112 * **Help:** Email or URL to obtain support in using the software.
113 * **Source Code:** Link to the source code (e.g. Git Repository) of the software.
114 * **Programming Language:** The programming language(s) in which the software is written.
115 * **Components:** Subcomponents of this software (which must be identified, as well).
116 * **Is Accessible For Free:** A flag to signal if the software is accessible for free or not.
117 * **Icon:** Link to an icon of this software.
118 * **Devices:**
119 ** Desktop
120 ** Mobile
121 ** Web
122 ** Server
123 ** HPC
124 ** Embedded System
125 * **Features:** List of [[features>>]] that this software comes with.
126 * **Input/Output Formats**: Please provide the name of the File-Format and its usual ending (e.g. NeuroML(XML)).