EBRAINS Knowledge Graph guide for software curation

Version 18.2 by jan on 2022/03/23 21:30

*** This Guide is not complete yet and needs further extension. For any questions or support directly reach out to Jan Gründling.***

This guide provides a starting point and reference for the process of entering information about your software into the EBRAINS Knowledge Graph (KG). There are two ways, the manual and the programmatical one:

How to enter software metadata manually

To manually input meta data of your software into the KG, you use a tool called "KG Editor". The KG Editor can be reached at HBP Knowledge Graph Editor. Just log in with your HBP credentials.

After you are logged in, you are probably prompted to choose a space in a view like below:


From the available choices (should not be too many in your case) choose the one that corresponds to the title of your software. Something like swcuration-{your_software_name} should apply.

After that, you see the view below. now click on the little magnifyer glass symbol at the top.


After that, you see this list on the left side:


To register your software, you will need to create one instance "Software" and one or more instances "Software version". To create instances, just click the small +button that appears when you are hovering over the respective list entry. We recommed starting with "Software". After clicking the plus icon you will see the software instance editor view like below:


Now you can start entering the information on your data! Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. When you arrive at the "Has version" field, you can create one or more versions of your software to be curated.

After you have entered the software, do not forget to save your changes!


That's it. When you are done, just contact the curators via your ticket.

How to update an existing Software instances

If you have registered a software previously, updating means adding a new instance of type "Software version" and link it to the existing instance of type "Software".

To make this process easier, we have already placed a copy of your last instance in the KG space that belongs to this collab. You can use that copy and just change the fields that require changes. Again - if you made all changes that you consider necessary, let the curator know via the ticket assigned with this case.

How to upload software metadata programmatically

To create a valid jsonld file, please use the API.

Authorizing for API usage.

Before using it, you need to authorize, using the "Authorize" button found in the top right corner of the API documentation (see below) or by using a service account.
